Vero and Dreambrid at Balttechnika

Vero Solutions Attract Major Interest at Popular Exhibition in Lithuania

Dreambird Company, an official distributor in the Baltic regions for Global CAD/CAM provider, Vero Software, has just returned from a hugely successful exhibition in Lithuania, with many new strong leads generated and plans for future partnerships established.

The BALTTECHNIKA 2016 event took place in Vilnius between 18th - 20th May, and is one of the most important dates in the event calendar for the manufacturing and engineering industries in Lithuania.

Dreambird were exhibiting the Vero products on one of the 110 booths at the show, all showcasing something different to the vast range of visitors which included industry specialists, business owners and academics alike.

Along with scheduled meetings with current customers, the Dreambird team also received several new leads from Baltic metal processors and equipment vendors, which have huge potential for future purchases of the software in the future. One lead stood out in particular for the team, when a large manufacturer of electricity-related appliances, who currently supply Latvian governmental institutions, provided a strong interest in the software on the stand. If the proposed partnership is established, it would provide an important milestone for Dreambird’s development and reputation in the marketplace.

There was an array of different Vero solutions showcased on the Dreambird stand including EDGECAM, WORKXPLORE, RADAN, VISI and WORKNC. With the very latest technologies from each product, the software generated huge interest from a variety of visitors.

RADAN – a total CAD/CAM solution for cutting sheet metal, with its Radbend and Radimport modules, was a very popular product, attracting the most attention from visitors. Not only did visitors watch the presentations provided on booth screens, they also asked for some practical help with a matter of their own. The visitor was a Lithuanian manufacturer who arrived on the booth with 380 .dxf part drawings. They were explaining a problem with nesting them using their currently installed software solution that took over four days to complete and still did not achieve the right outcome. RADAN’s nesting solution provided them with the opportunity to address the problem.

Lina Greidane, Dreambird’s Head of RADAN Customer Support, said: “Unfortunately, many part drawings that the customers provide, often come with errors and are quite problematic to nest and process in RADAN. However, this time I opened the drawings in Radimport and then nested 380 parts perfectly and it took me just one hour, achieving averagely over 90% of sheet utilization and 96% on some sheets. The customer was impressed and will seriously consider a purchase. RADAN never fails.”


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